Spiritual companionship is a sacred relationship. Engaging in spiritual companionship is a transformative process that helps seekers deepen their relationship with God through the intentional practice of Holy listening, prayer, and discernment. I believe in mutuality, engagement, and seeing the possibilities before us, which occurs when we take the grace of time to engage in spiritual practice and to ask the soul-searching questions that center our being. Finding our way gives us purpose and deeper insight into who we desire to become. Spiritual companionship that contains compassionate listening can lead to discerned actions, allows space for the highest form of self-care, and encourages aliveness and sensitivity to the movements I call God. I am a soul that delights in the ordinary and the extraordinary with wonder and awe. I invite you to consider spiritual companionship with me when you are ready to delve further into life’s Divine Mystery.
Contact me at [email protected] for a free 20-minute consultation to determine if we spiritually align and whether the sacred space we can develop together will support you for your life’s journey. Blessings to you!
“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.” – Henri J.M. Nouwen