Claire Cox-Woodlief
Claire Cox-Woodlief is the founder and CEO of CCW Transformation Ministries, LLC, and is the Co-Founder and Board Chair of the North Carolina Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation. She is the Director of Operations for White Memorial Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, NC. She is a Spiritual Director, a certified facilitator of Sacred Conversations to End Racism (SC2ER), a Conflict Transformation Minister, and a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a tool that helps individuals and organizations develop intercultural awareness and competence. She graduated from Academy 41, a Two-Year Academy for Spiritual Formation, and is the Retreat Leader for the North Carolina Academy for Spiritual Formation. She offers cultural humility training and co-facilitates Race, Church, and Healing workshops and other diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging training with Bryana Clover, LLC. She is an active member of Saint Francis UMC in Cary, NC, a reconciling congregation, and a member of One Wake. She serves on the Board of NC United Methodist Camping and Retreat Ministries, the Board of The Thrive Resource Center in Wilson, NC, the Board of Church and Society for the NC Conference of the UMC, and the Board of Lay Servant Ministries in the Fairway District of the NC Conference of the UMC. Claire’s call is to be a disrupter of unjust systems and is involved in anti-racism efforts in local churches, districts, conferences and is on Discipleship Ministries (UMC) Anti-Racist Design Team.
Claire is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend and enjoys reading, cooking, and boating in her spare time. To learn more, visit: